
About the app

It was hard for me but easy at the end to learn about subnetting. I hope this app gives the opportunity to other people to understand the process. I will explain every problem that we can generate for creating subnets.
The sole purpose of gemma is to add a graphical user interface system functionality and give you the ability to calculate Subnets.

The key features of Gemma are:

  • Classic subnetting
  • VLSM
  • Large networks


  1. Django 2.2
  2. Python 3.6.5
  3. mysqlclient 1.4.6

Get ready (Windows)

  • Download python

  • Install pip. For windows we get it here

  • Create an environment variable for pip:

    setx PATH "%PATH%;C:\Python36\Scripts"
  • Create an isolated environment for python with virtualenv:

    pip install virtualenvwrapper-win
    mkvirtualenv myproject
  • Activate the virtualenv:

    Scripts/activate => windows
    source bin/activate => linux
  • Install Django with pip

  • Install MySQL:

    For Python 2.7:
    Download it here:
    And with our virtualenv activated we do: easy_install file://C:/Users/ORDENADOR_1/Downloads/MySQL-python-1.2.3.win32-py2.7.exe
    For Python 3.6:
    Download it here:
    32 bits refers to Python version and not to our system
  • Create Django project and migrate the database:

    django-admin startproject src
    python migrate
    python startapp subnetting

Now we are ready to start out project!